Humideco EcoMist
The EcoMist HVAC system provides supreme efficiency and precise humidity control for any commercial or industrial environment. Designed and manufactured in compliance with HSE AcoP and VDI6022 standards, there are a number of standout features that contribute to the quality of the system. EcoMist systems uses less than 1% of the energy consumed by a steam humidifier.
Humideco EcoMist systems have low operating and maintenance costs and feature stainless steel components for a long service life. We build systems in two distinct ranges - Humideco EcoMist, for industrial and process applications, and Humideco EcoMist HVAC, for use in large air handling units

EcoMist Product Range
Custom designed, low energy, reliable systems, for humidification of industrial, storage and processing areas. A system consists of a number of humidification units, strategically positioned within the facility, served by a central high pressure control unit, with water pre-treatment where necessary. The humidity level is monitored and controlled with one or more humidity sensor units. Any system comprises the following:
Humideco EMWT water treatment range
Efficient and reliable humidifier water treatment
- Our water treatment systems have been developed over many years
- A comprehensive and reliable solution for humidifier water treatment
- Ensures mineral dust free and hygienic humidification
- Minimises maintenance
- Our representatives propose water treatment plant suited to each application

EMCU control unit
The heart of an EcoMist system
- Features oil free, high quality stainless steel pump, valves, and controls
- For control of single or multi-zone systems
- Incorporates micro-fine water filtration and UV water sterilization
- Fixed or variable speed versions, for efficient response to varying demand.
- Fully protected in an enclosed cabinet
- Bi-colour LED indication of all aspects of system status

EM20 / 40
High capacity humidifier units
- Designed for ceiling or roof mounting
- 20 or 40 litres per hour output, with our non-drip mist nozzles
- Efficient and powerful 4 way blow, backward curved, mist-vortex fan
- Rapid moisture evaporation
- For virtually all industrial, storage or process areas.

Medium capacity humidifier unit, for lower areas
- Wall or column mounted humidifier, with 10 litres per hour output
- High capacity, yet low noise unit.
- Rapid moisture evaporation, non drip mist nozzles
- EM10 units can be installed along a machine or process line, for example
- Can be combined with other EM units in a zoned system

Lower capacity units
- Designed for wall mounting, with a humidification capacity of 5 litres per hour
- Virtually silent operation, for areas with a low ceiling height
- Also for localised control around a machine or process
- Can be combined with other EM units in a zoned system
- Rapid moisture evaporation, non drip mist nozzles

EcoMist HVAC Product Range
Low energy, hygienic hybrid humidifier systems for AHUs. EcoMist HVAC systems combine the benefits of high pressure atomisation with evaporation, within a single, efficient system. One central control unit can serve multiple AHUs within a facility.