Humidification and Humidity Control for Food Production and Storage
Humideco have built a high level of understanding of the need for humidity control for many food production and storage applications, including:
- Post harvest high humidity storage of fresh salads and vegetables
- Humidification for bread provers and other bakery environments
- Supermarket distribution cold storage
- Humidity control for Cheese Maturation
- Humidity control in Abattoirs

Humideco can advise on the ideal conditions for these applications and we have the experience and product range to offer you the optimum solution for your particular application.
What are the benefits?
- Reduce Product Weight Loss
- Extend Shelf Life
- Preserve Freshness
- Selection & Design Support
- Nationwide Support & Service
- Design, Installation & Maintenance
Recent Clients
Our clients include Southern England Farms (vegetable cold storage), Colston Bassett Dairy (Stilton cheese), McCain (frozen foods), Speedibake (bakery products) and Nestle (confectionary)